
國際學院 106學年院週會注意事項 Notice for IC Assembly Meeting

(1)、時間Time:2017年10月27日(星期五) 12:40 - 13:40

(2)、地點Venue:體育館羽球場 Gymnasium Building / First Floor

(3)、講座Guest Speaker:國際資深志工International Senior Volunteer

(4)、講題Topic:服務無國界Service without borders

(5)、務必於12:35前就定位,逾時不得進場(入場門會鎖住),以曠課論;週會不能請事假,只能請病假、喪假並附相關證明。另無故不到者,義務勞動服務8小時;如未參與勞動服務,依校規記申誡2次。Please be seated before 12:35 and the entry doors will be closed after 12:40. Only sick leave will be allowed with doctor's certificate. 8 hours voluntary work will be required if unexcused absence. 2 demerits will be recorded if you do not attend both school meeting and voluntary service.

(6)、請勿穿著奇裝異服及拖鞋進入會場。Please do not wear improper clothing.