
Basic Core Requirements

In accordance with MCU General Provisions for Study, all undergraduate students must pass the requirements for Service-Learning, English Proficiency, Information Technology Proficiency, Chinese Proficiency, Sports Ability, and Basic Professional Skills in order to graduate.

  • Service-Learning
    Service-Learning for each undergraduate student at MCU must include 16 hours of service, one on-campus Service-Learning seminar, one reflection report, and an exhibition to share reflections or results.
  • English Proficiency
    Undergraduate and graduate students are required to meet the graduation requirements for English Proficiency by obtaining one of the following test certificates within the study period. The minimum requirements and categories for English Proficiency tests are as follows:
    Category of English Proficiency Examination IC Graduation Requirements
    GEPT High intermediate
    TOEIC 750 or 750 higher
    TOEFL 527 or 527 higher
    TOEFL-CBT 213 or 213 higher
    TOEFL-IBT 79 or 79 higher
    IELTS 6
  • Information Technology Proficiency
    Undergraduate students should pass the following ITP Tests within the study period. The minimum requirements and categories for ITP Tests are as follows:
    Category of ITP Tests IC Graduation Requirements
    English Typing Over 15 words per minute
    Office software Application: Word, Power Point, Excel (choose two) Pass
  • Chinese Proficiency
    Undergraduate students must pass the Chinese Proficiency examination at least once within the study period. The minimum requirements, categories and target students for Chinese Proficiency tests are as follows:

    Examination Category and Requirements Target Students
    Ming Chuan Comprehensive Chinese Examination: 60 or above (reading and writing) Local Students
    Test of Proficiency-Huayu (TOCFL) Advanced Level Certificate attesting International Students
  • Sport Proficiency
    In response to the Ministry of Education’s program to promote health-related physical fitness in students, these regulations were established in accordance with the Procedures for Proficiency-based Graduation Requirements. In order to encourage students to participate in regular physical activities and improve their health, students are required to meet the requirements for sports capabilities before graduation.

  • Proficiency-based Graduation Requirements
    All undergraduate students must pass the requirements of Proficiency-based Graduation Requirements in order to graduate.

    Proficiency-based Graduation Requirements IC Graduation Requirements
    Ability of doing researching and oral presentation Every student is required to present his or her thesis draft (or its abridged version) at a MCU or non-MCU (international) academic conference, before he or she becomes eligible to defend his or her final thesis draft.
    Ability of writing the thesis Hand in the successfully defended thesis.


Basic Core Requirements

  1. A minimum of 43 credits is required which is distributed accordingly:
    • Core required courses totaling 18 credits
    • Elective courses totaling 19 credits
    • Thesis totaling 6 credits
  2. Students must pass English Language Proficiency at or beyond TOEFL 550 (IBT-based test 80 or computer-based test 230) or IELTS 6.0 or TOEIC 750 or MCU English Proficiency Intermediate Examination. These rules and regulations have been in effect since August 2010.
  3. Every student that registers in the fall of 2008 and thereafter is required to present his or her thesis draft (or its abridged version) at a MCU or non-MCU(international) academic conference, before he or she becomes eligible to defend his or her final thesis draft.
  4. Every student that registers in the fall of 2008 and thereafter is required to participate in at least five academic activities sponsored by the GSIA in addition to three MCU or non-MCU (international) academic conferences prior to being eligible to defend the oral thesis. Students with foreign passports must participate in at least five MCU or non-MCU (international) academic conferences prior to being eligible to defend the oral thesis.
  5. Students who entered GSIA since 2010 academic year (including returned students since 2010-11 academic year) are required to participate in the Service-Learning course before graduation. However, students may choose from either course-based or academic-based Service-Learning track. Any Service-Learning course at GSIA must include 10 hours of practical service.
  6. Submit the completed thesis copy.

In accordance with MCU General Provisions for Study, all graduate students must pass the requirements of Basic Professional Skills in order to graduate.

Core Competencies

  1. To comprehend different knowledge fields of international affairs and diplomacy.
  2. To understand contemporary international issues and their significance.
  3. To enhance foreign language proficiency.
  4. To acquire strategic thinking, interpersonal communication and problem-solving skills.
  5. To possess diversified learning methods and skills in international affairs and diplomacy
  6. To obtain writing proficiency and presentation skills on international level.

Core Competencies

  1. Understanding of International / Global Governance and Globalization
  2. Use of Interdisciplinary Knowledge
  3. Balance of Theory and Practice
  4. Research Ability
  5. Analytical Ability
  6. Appropriate Grasp of Professional Ethics and Responsibility toward Society

Fundamental Professional Competence Standards

In accordance with MCU General Provisions for Study, all undergraduate students must pass the requirements for Service-Learning, English Proficiency, Information Technology Proficiency, Chinese Proficiency, Sports Ability, and Basic Professional Skills in order to graduate.

  • Service-Learning
    Service-Learning for each undergraduate student at MCU must include 16 hours of service, one on-campus Service-Learning seminar, one reflection report, and an exhibition to share reflections or results.
  • English Proficiency
    Undergraduate and graduate students are required to meet the graduation requirements for English Proficiency by obtaining one of the following test certificates within the study period. The minimum requirements and categories for English Proficiency tests are as follows:
    Category of English Proficiency Examination IC Graduation Requirements
    GEPT High intermediate
    TOEIC 750 or 750 higher
    TOEFL 527 or 527 higher
    TOEFL-CBT 213 or 213 higher
    TOEFL-IBT 79 or 79 higher
    IELTS 6
  • Information Technology Proficiency
    Undergraduate students should pass the following ITP Tests within the study period. The minimum requirements and categories for ITP Tests are as follows:
    Category of ITP Tests IC Graduation Requirements
    English Typing Over 15 words per minute
    Office software Application: Word, Power Point, Excel (choose two) Pass
  • Chinese Proficiency
    Undergraduate students must pass the Chinese Proficiency examination at least once within the study period. The minimum requirements, categories and target students for Chinese Proficiency tests are as follows:

    Examination Category and Requirements Target Students
    Ming Chuan Comprehensive Chinese Examination: 60 or above (reading and writing) Local Students
    Test of Proficiency-Huayu (TOCFL) Advanced Level Certificate attesting International Students
  • Sport Proficiency
    In response to the Ministry of Education’s program to promote health-related physical fitness in students, these regulations were established in accordance with the Procedures for Proficiency-based Graduation Requirements. In order to encourage students to participate in regular physical activities and improve their health, students are required to meet the requirements for sports capabilities before graduation.

  • Proficiency-based Graduation Requirements
    All undergraduate students must pass the requirements of Proficiency-based Graduation Requirements in order to graduate.

    Proficiency-based Graduation Requirements IC Graduation Requirements
    Ability of doing researching and oral presentation Every student is required to present his or her thesis draft (or its abridged version) at a MCU or non-MCU (international) academic conference, before he or she becomes eligible to defend his or her final thesis draft.
    Ability of writing the thesis Hand in the successfully defended thesis.


Fundamental Professional Competence Standards

  1. A minimum of 43 credits is required which is distributed accordingly:
    • Core required courses totaling 18 credits
    • Elective courses totaling 19 credits
    • Thesis totaling 6 credits
  2. Students must pass English Language Proficiency at or beyond TOEFL 550 (IBT-based test 80 or computer-based test 230) or IELTS 6.0 or TOEIC 750 or MCU English Proficiency Intermediate Examination. These rules and regulations have been in effect since August 2010.
  3. Every student that registers in the fall of 2008 and thereafter is required to present his or her thesis draft (or its abridged version) at a MCU or non-MCU(international) academic conference, before he or she becomes eligible to defend his or her final thesis draft.
  4. Every student that registers in the fall of 2008 and thereafter is required to participate in at least five academic activities sponsored by the GSIA in addition to three MCU or non-MCU (international) academic conferences prior to being eligible to defend the oral thesis. Students with foreign passports must participate in at least five MCU or non-MCU (international) academic conferences prior to being eligible to defend the oral thesis.
  5. Students who entered GSIA since 2010 academic year (including returned students since 2010-11 academic year) are required to participate in the Service-Learning course before graduation. However, students may choose from either course-based or academic-based Service-Learning track. Any Service-Learning course at GSIA must include 10 hours of practical service.
  6. Submit the completed thesis copy.

In accordance with MCU General Provisions for Study, all graduate students must pass the requirements of Basic Professional Skills in order to graduate.