Workshop on Control and Prevention of Ebola and Global New Infectious Diseases


I. Project: Workshop on Control and Prevention of Ebola and Global New Infectious Diseases

II. Date: (First) 2014/11/14 9AM-6PM
    (Second) 2014/11/15 9AM-6PM

III. Venue: (First) Gismots Convention Center, the Ministry of Communications
     (Second) 3F, International Academic Research Building, Kaohsiung Medical


V. Organizer: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC

VI. Co-organizer: Kaohsiung Medical University
          Ming Chuan University International Affairs Master's / Diplomacy Bachelor's Programs

VII. Activity descriptions: 
  Ebola virus disease was first identified in 1976 in two simultaneous outbreaks, one in Nzara, and the other in Yambuku, a village near the Ebola River from which the disease takes its name. EVD outbreaks occur intermittently in tropical regions of sub-Saharan Africa. Between 1976 and 2013, the World Health Organization reports a total of 24 outbreaks involving 1,716 cases. The largest outbreak to date was the epidemic in West Africa, which occurred from December 2013 to January 2016 with 28,616 cases and 11,310 deaths. It was declared no longer an emergency on 29 March 2016. Another outbreak in Africa began in May 2017 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. 
  Many NGOs in Taiwan have devoted to healthcare service in Africa. In order to educated heath care workers to have the correct and prevention knowledge, “Workshop on Control and Prevention of Ebola and Global New Infectious Diseases” is organized and invited many specialists to share their expertise with NGO health care workers.

VIII. Participants: 200 attendants for each workshop, including government employees, domestic NGO and medical personnel and enthusiastic researchers and international volunteers and students.